Five Podcasts you should be listening to
If you’re not a podcast junkie, now’s the time to become one. Podcasts are an incredible resource for developing yourself as a leader. From personal growth to practical skills to theology to car repair, if you want to learn about something odds are there’s a podcast for it.
The elementum staff spend plenty of time traveling to work with ministry partners around the country, and podcasts are one way that some of us use the time in the car, airport, or planes well. While you may not be traveling like some of our staff (most of whom aren’t traveling much these days thanks to the coronavirus), if you’re a college student or college or young adult ministry leader, odds are you have a bit more free (or at least flexible) time these days.
Leverage that extra time to build some solid habits of self-development. The following five podcasts are each a great place to start. Download an episode or two that interest you in your podcast app of choice, go for a walk, and listen and learn.
Here are five podcasts you should be listening to, in no particular order:
The Podcasts:
The Place We Find Ourselves
Mental health is an increasingly urgent issue among young adults and college students, with marked increases in diagnosis of anxiety and depression over the last decade. Regardless of whether this is due to more openness among younger generations or an actual increase in mental health issues, having some basic language and understanding of the world of counseling and mental health is hugely beneficial for anyone ministering to 18-30 year olds.
The Place We Find Ourselves is a podcast by Adam Young, a christian counselor, and combines teaching on things from attachment theory to the impact of childhood trauma to dealing with addiction with real stories from real people in the process of healing. Not only will it equip you to help the young adults and students you’re working with, it will also open your eyes to your own brokenness and the way that Jesus works in and through it to change you and those around you.
The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast
If you’re leading a ministry or even just a team you need to be growing your leadership skills. One of the best ways to do this is to learn from world-class leaders, and one of the best resources for doing this (for free while you’re cleaning the dishes or going for a walk, nonetheless!) is through Carey’s podcast.
Carey is one of the best interviewers I’ve come across. He’s sat down and recorded conversations with a massive array of leaders from a massive variety of contexts. Interviewees include Craig Groescel, Louie Giglio, Patrick Lencioni, Michael Hyatt, Carly Fiorina, Lysa Terkeurst, and literally hundreds more over the nearly 300 episodes of the podcast.
The Austin Stone sermons
Our national director Andy Abramson attends the Austin Stone in Austin, TX. It’s a church that’s doing an amazing job at leading the way in making disciples, reaching young adults, and engaging them with the body of Christ.
Regardless of whether you agree with the theology there’s much to learn from the Stone’s team of teaching pastors and their preaching.
Pro Church Tools
If you’re not leveraging technology you’re missing out on some amazing ministry opportunities. The Pro Church Tools podcast is packed with practical tips for leveraging social media and technology for your ministry.
As their podcast description says, they’re goal is to “help your church share the message of Jesus while navigating the biggest communication shift in 500 years.”
The Bible Project
You’ve probably already encountered The Bible Project’s incredible scripture summary and thematic overview videos. If you haven’t you’d better start now. Their videos are well done and particularly useful for the coming generations’ natural tendency to value visual communication over remembered.
Their podcast goes in-depth into the biblical theology foundations behind the videos they’ve created and are rich resources for any growing Christian. Plus they’re just fun to listen to.
How about you?
What podcasts are you hooked on? What episodes are helping you make disciples and proclaim the Gospel effectively? Let us know in the comments below!
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